H&S Telecommuting Policy
Telecommuting is a mutual agreement between a supervisor and a staff member that some part(s) of the staff member's work is done at home, or at another location different from the employee's regular Stanford work location. Staff whose roles allow for some work hours to be performed away from their regular Stanford work location, whether on a regular or ad hoc basis, may be eligible to telecommute.
Issues of appropriate supervision, the nature of the work, and compliance with all legal requirements should be carefully considered before such an arrangement is approved, and the arrangement must be carefully monitored on an ongoing basis. Though telecommuting might be a viable option for many eligible staff employees, it is not a right; it is an option that can be modified or revoked by Stanford at any time. Staff whose work cannot be performed at a location away from their regular Stanford work location are not eligible to telecommute. Decisions about the suitability of telecommuting are discretionary and typically made by the management of the local area where the employee works, in consultation with your HR manager.
Telecommuting is not intended to allow employees to work at other jobs, provide dependent or other care during work hours, or run their own businesses. Employees found engaging in these activities during expected work hours may have their telecommuting agreement revoked or face possible corrective action, including potential termination of employment.
Telecommuting agreements are renewed on an annual basis. All agreements must be signed by the employee and supervisor, and placed in the employee’s personnel file, and submitted via our form.
- Admin Guide - 2.1.20 Staff Telecommuting and Remote Working
- Out of State Employee Approval Form
- Home Internet Services Reimbursement
- Temporary Telecommuting Agreement Submission Form (disabled as of 9/17/21)