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I-9 Compliance

To comply with U.S. law, Stanford must verify eligibility for employment for all new employees – within three days of hire – by collecting Form I-9 and reviewing original and current documents establishing the employee's eligibility to work in the United States. 

In addition, current Stanford employees with expiring employment eligibility documents must be re-verified when new documents are received and before the existing documents expire. High school students must also present a valid work permit when submitting their I-9 documents.

Students and employees who have not received/obtained their Social Security Number may submit their I-9 documents prior to receipt of the SSN. Students/employees must follow up with their local department when the number is received to update their employment records.

To support H&S Departments, Programs and Centers, H&S HR provides I-9 acceptance services daily on a drop-in basis at our offices in Littlefield. Appointments are not required.

Current H&S I-9 Processing Options:

NOTE: The H&S Service Center will be closed starting Thursday, December 19, 2024 through January 3, 2025. We will reopen on Monday, January 6, 2025.


In-Person I-9 Verification: (for employees in the San Francisco Bay Area) -drop-in hours available


  • H&S HR is open the following dates and times to accept I-9 documentation:
    • Monday-Thursday, 9am-3pm (closed 12pm-1pm for lunch)
    • Fridays, 10am-12pm
  • Location: Littlefield Management Center, Room 331
    • Please take the elevator in the East Lobby to the third floor, make a right down the hall. Room 331 is on your left.
  • H&S Department/Program/Center:
    • ​Informs employee about H&S I-9 submission requirements on or before the first day of employment.
    • Remind the employee they must bring the physical, original and unexpired documents to their appointment. Photocopies, photographs, and electronic copies of documents cannot be accepted.
  • Employee:
    • Brings the following documents to their appointment:
      • Completed page 1 of the I-9 form.
      • Original (no photocopies, electronic copies, or photographs), current (unexpired) documents to verify their employment eligibility (available on page 3 of the I-9 form.)
        • NOTE: Students on a J-1 Visa must also bring the J-1 student approval letter with their documents.
  • ​H&S HR:
    • Meets with employee on the day of their appointment to verify I-9 form and photocopy documents.
    • Submits I-9 form and employment eligibility documents to payroll.
Remote I-9 Verification (for employees outside of the San Francisco Bay Area)

Employees not located in the area and are not expected to travel to campus in a timely period after their hire, or are fully remote must have their I-9 verified through our third party provider, I-9 Anywhere. Employees cannot fully verify their employment status via email, and should not be encouraged to email these documents due to security concerns unless directed to by H&S HR.

I-9 Anywhere

I-9 Anywhere is a service that enables new hires and existing employees who need to complete/reverify their I-9 to choose from a network of commercial verifiers located throughout the U.S. There is a $95 fee per appointment, charged to the employee’s department (an unrestricted PTA must be provided.) Please note: if an employee schedules an appointment and does not show up, the fee will still be assessed.

To schedule an I-9 Anywhere Appointment:

  • H&S Department/Program/Center: Email the following information to cindyly [at] (cindyly[at]stanford[dot]edu) with the subject line I-9 Anywhere Request

    1. Employee Name

    2. Employee ID Number

    3. Employee Email

    4. Department/Program

    5. PTA for the I-9 Anywhere fee (must be an unrestricted PTA)​

  • H&S HR:

    1. Will request the I-9 Anywhere preparer information on behalf of the department.

    2. Sends the employee an email with a link to schedule an I-9 Anywhere appointment. H&S HR will be cc’ed on the communication.  

  • Employee:
    • Schedules with the local preparer and completes the I-9 process.

    • Completes and finalizes the process in the I-9 Anywhere portal.

  • I-9 Anywhere Preparer:
    • Verifies the I-9 is complete and updates the employee’s status in peopleSoft​
  • ​Payroll:
    • Notifies the employee and H&S HR via email to confirm the I-9 has been received.

  • ​H&S HR:
    • Will follow up with the department when the I-9 process is complete.

    • Upon receipt of the physical documents, Payroll will contact H&S HR if there are any subsequent questions. H&S HR will then follow up with the local department.