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Sign up for Career Connections

Fri February 5th 2021, 12:00am

The new year is a good time for us to focus on our own growth and development, so I’m excited to invite  you to participate in the Career Connections pilot program, sponsored by University Human Resources (UHR). Career Connections is a new program and platform that connects staff seeking information about other roles and functions (Career Seekers) with knowledgeable staff eager to share their expertise (Career Advisers). Seekers and Advisers then meet for an informal career conversation.

You are invited to participate in the program as either a Career Seeker, a Career Adviser, or both. As a participant, you can:

  • Identify and meet with staff who have experience in roles you're interested in exploring and expertise in skills you'd like to develop
  • Give back to the Stanford community by sharing your knowledge as a Career Adviser
  • Access just-in-time resources, including videos and webinars  on networking and other skills
  • Engage in meaningful virtual career conversations 
  • Expand your network and learn more about your colleagues

Career Connections is not a mentoring program, and Advisers will not be providing career counseling or coaching. Instead, they’ll share their insights about their roles at Stanford and answer questions related to their experience and skills. Each career conversation is a one-time commitment, with no expectation for additional meetings. 

This pilot will run through August, with the goal of scaling it across the university based on the response. If you participate, your feedback will help shape the future of staff networking at Stanford. Participating schools/units include: School of Engineering, Graduate School of Business, School of Humanities and Sciences, Business Affairs, and University Human Resources.

Next Steps

If you’re interested in the program, please complete the Career Connections registration form (SUNet ID login required) by February 1. Then, you’ll receive an invitation to a virtual orientation. During the orientation, you’ll begin creating your profile and learn how to connect with colleagues.

If you have any questions, please reach out to the H&S HR team.