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H&S Staff Recognition Event

Tue May 10th 2022, 4:00pm
Event Sponsor
H&S Human Resources
Stanford Faculty Club
H&S Staff Recognition Event

Dear Colleagues:

Please mark your calendars to Save-the-Date for the H&S Staff Recognition Event, which will be held Tuesday, May 10, 2022, 4:00pm at the Stanford Faculty Club.

We will be recognizing the recipients of the Arnice P. Streit Service of Excellence Award and the Dean’s Award of Merit and the Dean’s Award recipients for specific categories for recognition in the areas of Innovation, Spirit, and Leadership. Also, we will honor those employees who have completed a milestone in 5 year increments for 2021.

Reservations for the event will be taken after invitations have been sent out mid-March.

Please contact us if you have any questions!


Cindy & Angie 

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